


  Seashore Inspiration 2 hour Workshop
Take a journey across the seashore with me and be inspired.
We will take a journey across the seashore and using all of our senses we will be inspired to create a piece of writing or art.
We will turn the experience into a booklet to preserve our inspiration.
Cost: Free but donation accepted
Location: Lamlash, Isle of Arran
Seashore Inspiration Sangha
Seashore Inspiration Sangha, inspired by the Seashore, has been set up to practice mindfulness in accordance with the teachings of Vietnamese Zen Buddhist Master, Thich Nhat Hanh.

The meeting will include guided meditation, walking meditation/mindful movements, readings, a mindful cup of tea, deep relaxation and sharing in groups and more..

Day:  Sundays

Time: 10:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs

Location: Lamlash, Isle of Arran

For more information please e-mail  Linda:


To find out more please contact:
Linda via e-mail at:   seashoreinspirationprojects@gmail.com
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